Skin Boosters are revolutionary injectables which shape, lift and smooth skin, improve elasticity and hydration without the use of synthetic fillers.

They are relatively new and exciting products on the aesthetics market, greatly welcomed by practitioners in the aesthetics industry.  This is because they are BDDE-free with high concentrations of hyaluronic acid: Profhilo (64mg / 2 ml) & Seventy Hyal (30mg / 2ml) .  Skin Boosters are not only boosting and hydrating to the skin, they also remodel the ageing and sagging tissue.  They stimulate four different types of collagen and elastin by slowly releasing HA, which is central to rejuvenated and younger looking skin.

The skin boosters used are also free from additives like those in traditional dermal fillers and so side effects are reduced.

Skin boosters are not used to create concentrated areas of volume, as dermal fillers with BDDE, instead they are perfect for improving the overall appearance, shape and smoothness in the skin and also target hard to treat areas, such as hands, neck, and arms, thanks to the versatile delivery which can be implemented using Seventy Hyal or the high diffusion across BAP (Bio Aesthetics Points) of injection (for Profhilo).

Your skin will look firmer, be better hydrated and have a healthy youthful glow.

Benefits of Skin Boosters

Treatment Prices

Profhilo: £200 per 2ml syringe

Seventy Hyal: £125 per 2ml syringe

Treatment Overview

Procedure(s) Time / Timescales

30 – 60 minutes

Outcomes seen / achieved

Immediately and continues to improve for several weeks

Side Effects




Return to work



Topical numbing cream

Frequently asked questions

Who are skin boosters suitable for?

Skin boosters are suitable for most people but recommended for those over 30.   They are great for younger patients looking to prevent the signs of ageing, hydrate their skin and enhance shape.  Older patients can enjoy general rejuvenation, hydrated firmer fuller smoother looking skin and some refinement to shaping.   All possible benefits will be explored and discussed in consultation and prior to administration of treatment.   

Will I need repeat treatments?

Two treatments one month apart are initially administered with a third two months later if required.  From this, a top up application is advised every six months to support continued effects.

Are there any side effects?

A bee sting like bump with redness is initially experienced at the injections points.  These soon subside within 6 to 24 hours.  Further aftercare is outlined in your Juventa post treatment documentation.